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    General Demonstration Report-Capstone Program

    Note: This offering is full, please watch for the release of the 2025 Capstone dates coming in October 2024
    The General Demonstration Report—Capstone Program is an additional option Candidates for Designation may choose to complete their demonstration of knowledge requirement for their MAI designation. Like the traditional demonstration appraisal report option, the same skills and knowledge base are required to produce a complete demonstration appraisal report. However, this program was designed to offer an option that accelerates the completion of the report. Instead of selecting and compiling data on a property, you are provided with a subject property and data to analyze and then write the report in a limited time span of approximately two months. You must attend two webinars. The first webinar is typically scheduled three weeks after the release of materials. There will be a five-and-a-half day on-site session (attendance is optional), where facilitators will be on hand to answer questions and offer guidance. On day seven at noon, the full report must be submitted for grading. No exceptions.

    The program is designed to be completed in approximately two months; therefore, you will need to commit a considerable amount of that time on analysis and writing tasks PRIOR to the classroom setting. There is one optional pre-class writing assignment due before the second webinar. It is important to understand you’ll need to spend a minimum of 175 to 250 hours to successfully complete this program. And during the five-and-a-half day on-site session, expect to work on your reports after the 7-hour days spent on-site with the facilitators. Ten to 12 hours a day that week will not be unusual.

    Because of the nature of this program, NO REFUNDS or TIME EXTENSIONS will be granted.

    Days 1-21 Download materials, begin review of materials.

    Day 22 WEBINAR #1: Introduction to program & Intro to Fundamental Market Analysis (FMA).

    Days 23-38 Complete optional FMA pre-class assignment.

    Day 39 Optional FMA pre-class assignment due.

    Day 47 WEBINAR #2: Feedback on optional pre-class FMA writing assignment.

    Days 48-66 Continue working on other parts of the report up to HBU


    Day 73 General demonstration report due

    Course Offerings
    We are not currently offering this course, but please contact us for additional options and more information.