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    Jul 29, 2024

    Residential Free Resources for the New Report Form

    Residential appraisers have heard that the Uniform Residential Appraisal Report (URAR) and Uniform Appraisal Dataset (UAD) are coming, and it’s clear from the government-sponsored entities (GSEs)’ timeline that the adoption of the URAR and UAD will require some level of training and adjustment for appraisers.

    The new set of uniform appraisal data fields will include green and energy features. Most MLSs do not have populated fields to accommodate appraisers in finding homes with these features. This session will explore free data sources to identify these homes and ways to support market reaction in your locale while also previewing GSE, Federal Housing Administration (FHA), and the Department of Veterans Affairs' (VA) expectations.

    Panelists will discuss: 
    •    Utilizing resources such as HERS, HES, and ERI
    •    GSE uses of the energy and green features
    •    GSE expectations about market reaction support for specific features
    •    FHA and VA expectations around use of the new URAR and UAD
    •    What appraisers will be expected to know about new "green" UAD fields and how they can learn it

    Webinar Speakers:

    Sandra Adomatis, SRA
    President, Appraisal Institute

    Scott Reuter
    Chief Appraiser, Freddie Mac

    Herb Frymark
    Senior Valuation, Freddie Mac

    James Heaslet, MBA
    Chief Appraiser, Department of Veterans Affairs

    Brian Barnes
    Deputy Director, Home Valuation Policy Division, Federal Housing Administration

    Resources referenced in this webinar:
    Resources and announcements about the Uniform Appraisal Dataset from Freddie Mac

    Free Resources for Energy and Green Features Information Slides