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    AI News Releases Apr 11, 2023

    Four Candidates Seeking to Become 2024 AI Vice President

    The Appraisal Institute’s National Nominating Committee is scheduled to interview four candidates for 2024 AI vice president at its May 10 meeting in Chicago.
    The candidates (listed alphabetically) are:
    • Michael J. Acquaro-Mignogna, MAI, SRA, AI-GRS
    • Claire M. Aufrance, MAI, SRA
    • Byron E. Miller, SRA, AI-RRS
    • Steve Noble, MAI, SRA, AI-GRS, AI-RRS
    AI Professionals may view the candidate biographies and questionnaires (login required) and provide letters of recommendation by 12 p.m. CDT May 5. Correspondence should be addressed to Jody Bishop, MAI, SRA, AI-GRS, chair, 2023 National Nominating Committee, and emailed to Joan Barngrover, board secretary and special assistant to the CEO, at
    The Board of Directors recently adopted adjustments to the nomination and election process with the intent to announce all nominee(s) at once rather than in stages. Specifically, the adjustments include:

    The name(s) of the NNC nominee(s) will be shared confidentially with the Board during the Board’s May 11-12 meeting in Chicago.

    The name(s) of all nominee(s) will be announced to the membership and public approximately 35 days after the May Board meeting. 

    The announcement will simply list who was nominated, rather than separate those nominated by the NNC and who by petition (if any).