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    Capitalization Theory and Techniques Study Guide, Third Edition - PDF

    This workbook explains the mathematics of finance and key terms, symbols, and formulas appraisers use to apply the income capitalization approach to value. (2009)
    Charles B. Akerson David C. Lennhoff, MAI, SRA, AI-GRS
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    Winner of the George L. Schmutz Award

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    While markets, methodologies, and technology may change, the need to understand the mathematics of finance does not. Capitalization Theory and Techniques Study Guide, third edition, provides practitioners and students of the income capitalization approach to value with an essential reference tool for their appraisal offices and classrooms.

    This appraisal workbook offers:

    • In-depth coverage of the income capitalization approach, including a historical perspective and practical instructions for applying capitalization techniques
    • Key terms, symbols, formulas, financial tables, and calculator keystrokes as well as references to important appraisal resources
    • Fifteen lessons with hands-on exercises, more than 50 practice problems, and two case studies


    About the Authors

    Charles B. Akerson (1922-2009): A Founding Father of Real Estate Appraisal                                            Charles B. Akerson, MAI, Author, was not only the author of Capitalization Theory and Techniques Study Guide, the Appraisal Institute’s classic text on the income capitalization approach, he was also a forefather of the appraisal profession. An internationally known appraiser, counselor, and teacher, Charlie served as Editor-in-Chief of The Appraisal Journal and as President of the American Institute of Real Estate Appraisers and UPAV. He also received the George H. Schmutz Publication Award in 1999 for his appraisal writing.


    David Lennhoff, MAI, SRA, CRE, FRICS, Editor, leads SC&H Group’s Appraisal Services Practice. He has been appraising since 1975. He is also an active teacher and author. Mr. Lennhoff was Editor-in-Chief of The Appraisal Journal in 2004.


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