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    The Valuation of Billboards

    This handbook explores the physical characteristics of outdoor signs and the economic, regulatory, and legal issues affecting their appraisal. (Softcover, 2006)
    Dwain R. Stoops Marvin L. Wolverton
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    Winner of the George L. Schmutz Award

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    Outdoor advertising signs are a common part of the American landscape, but their valuation can present uncommon problems for real estate appraisers. The Valuation of Billboards provides essential information appraisers need to describe the physical characteristics of these unique assets and to understand the outdoor advertising industry and its operations. Because billboards are often valued for eminent domain purposes, the regulatory and legal issues that surround the outdoor advertising industry are explored and the myriad state and federal regulations and legal precedents that affect the valuation of billboards are examined. A case study is used to demonstrate the application of the approaches to value and to help readers decipher the challenges and choices that complicate the valuation of billboards. This meticulously researched book will provide a basis for a sophisticated analysis of outdoor advertising signs and participation in the ongoing debate that characterizes this controversial appraisal specialty.

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