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    Property Use Classification System (PUCS)

    Our Uniform Classification System for Real Estate Uses

    The Appraisal Institute Property Use Classification System (PUCS) is a uniform classification system of the potential uses of real estate, including property use descriptions.

    PUCS helps us all to speak the same language when it comes to the vast number of property uses. The system supports advanced analysis by real estate appraisers and improves consistency in real estate valuations throughout the world.

    Using feedback from hundreds of practitioners, we developed the system for various applications, including software programs and database management systems used by real estate appraisers and appraisal firms.

    PUCS includes three levels of property use classification:

    1. Property class
    2. Property type
    3. Property subtype

    Download PUCS v.1.0


    AI makes no representations, guarantees or warranties regarding the use of the Property Use Classification System (PUCS) and does not assume any responsibility or liability for any use or reliance upon PUCS or for any data, analysis or work product resulting from any use or reliance upon PUCS.