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    Advanced Spreadsheet Modeling for Valuation Applications

    If you have experience in market analysis and highest and best use or in applying inferred market analysis, this two-day course will appeal to you! It shows you how to prepare advanced analyses in a simpler manner and with less error. The focus is on problem solving and efficiency while uncovering some of the tools of the spreadsheet program that will make an analysis stronger and increase productivity. You’ll find the applications especially helpful in the areas of market analysis, feasibility analysis, and highest and best use, and you’ll gain techniques to solve real-world problems and develop best practices in modeling that can be applied in other situations.

    This course is in the Analytics for Valuation Professional Development Program. View this list of FAQs, which includes information regarding the courses you’ll need to complete the program successfully.

    Course Offerings
    We are not currently offering this course, but please contact us for additional options and more information.